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The Originals...

DFW Accounting Legends Scholarship: Original Launch Members

For those of you who missed the event, you missed a TREAT. We: 


Discussed how proud we all were of our accounting background, where we all started, and where we are TODAY.


Talked about the lifetime friends, associates, and colleagues that we are able to call upon and discussed those that are missing.


Discussed the fact that we are our own village and that we need to continue to help ourselves.


We ended the conversation with a new initiative and the commitment to fund a scholarship to make a difference NOW!


We agreed to start and fund a College Scholarship called the “DFW Accounting Legends” Scholarship. The fund will be administered locally and awarded to a DFW area high school student majoring in Accounting at any college or university in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  The plan is to make a LOCAL impact NOW!  


The amount awarded will be the money raised each year by us (YOU and I) and matched by the Chuck Burch Scholarship Fund.  So, if we raise $1,000, the fund will match what was raised to award a $2,000 scholarship THIS YEAR. 


We collected some money, received some commitments, and now are asking YOU to be part of this effort. 


Hopefully, you will feel what we felt at the event and make a tax-deductible contribution to scholarships for students going into the Accounting profession.  


To donate, use ANY of the following:



Zelle: 972 841-1457 or


CashApp: $ChuckBurch


Together, let's make a difference in Education for the next Generation!  


Please pass this on to others in your network with your encouragement to participate!

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